My Nanny

I have written on this site, since it's inception, about my Nanny. My Nanny was my grandmother on my dad's side. She was incredibly special to me, and I lost her when I was 13 years old after a furious 6 month battle with cancer. She is why I have a thing for feathers and lucky pennies. She ...

Wonderful and Featherful

You guys. Seriously, you rock. You've made my birthday so wonderful and you've filled it with amazing treats, feathers, and, most of all, words. You've shared your words with me today and each note, each word has meant something to me. So thank you. And I'm covered in feathers, from my top To an incredibly special gift on ...

A tiny, little, amazing story.

Today, as I unloaded from school pick up, doing my normal routine of getting my daughter out of the passenger side of the car, slinging her backpack over my shoulder, walking her around the car to my side where I get her brother out in his incredibly heavy infant carrier, when my daughter said, "Wait. I want to see ...

Here comes the comeback kid…

(photo above updated October, 2016; taken live from show October 24th at Union Transfer) Today, in the words of  my  most favorite, Brett Dennen, I felt as if "I'd never been laid so low". That may be a bit hyperbolic, but I was definitely feeling low; I got an unexpected putdown that kind of knocked the wind ...

A very feathered surprise.

(originally published on 511) What's better than having a strength symbol in your home? MANY strength symbols. More feathers!! So while our kiddo bathroom is slowly transforming into a bird sanctuary (with the peacock rug and birdcage light fixture) I have decided to add some very feathered wall paper to a surprise spot in our home. It looks a bit like this... and where it goes... you'll just ...

The hardest post I’ve ever written, Part 3.

Life works in amazing ways. This is hardest part of the hardest post. And though I've been so overwhelmingly grateful for the outpouring of support, both publicly and privately, that I have received thus far, it is still hard to put all of these things into plain words. This has been a life changing experience to me, ...

Just some things.

This past week has kept me oh-so-busy. Like, Bizzy. And it's been good. But, it has not left me with the time or energy to put my pen to paper to keyboard, or what have you. So, as a way to fill you in (or an attempt to make an excuse), here are some things. Some things I've done since we spoke ...

I mean…

Not only does this girlie girl insist upon accessorizing, but she even chose to do so with feathers. She's a keeper, she is.

A Date Night

Tonight, my man and I went on a date. A real, honest to goodness date. We traded our ripped jeans and converse sneaks, time constraints and rushed conversations for a dim, cozy seat in a corner booth. And heels. High heels. We went to this place. We sat upstairs at the bar, and together we read every item on the ...