It was bound to happen…

My poor little angel face. She was up during the night with a fever. Boooooooooo. Nothing makes a mama sadder than a sick little chick. But, I can't say our day has been a total wash; We got to lie on the floor together, consumed in fits of giggles; We got to bundle up in fleece jackets and breathe in the ...

A day of firsts

This week, we had a day of firsts. I changed my very first poopy diaper in a public bathroom. It kinda sucked. Five minutes later, my Mommom treated my little girl to her very first $7 dollar hotdog, at our very favorite lunch spot. That was kinda awesome. And, when I asked my little girl how she liked her fah-ncy doggie, ...

On my daughter’s Birthday,

I expected to take her to the zoo. Or to a kiddie theme park. Or to a parade, in her honor. I expected to dress her in a tutu. I expected to eat cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But, my daughter's birthday was the day of the first Passover Seder. So, on my daughter's birthday, we visited my ...

Scenes from the Nest

Three things you should know about me: I love feathers (yes, you already know that, but I am just further emphasizing my love for all things bird.) I love my family. (which, I mean, duh.) I love photos. More accurately, I am obsessed with photos. I love taking pictures. I love looking at pictures. I love reminiscing over pictures. So yes, feathers, ...


This week marked the one year anniversary of my Maternity Leave. Or, as I should more appropriately call it, "The day I went to work, had to leave, and never came back." You see, like everything else in the Land of Mom, my maternity leave did not go as planned. I had intended to teach right up until ...

And many more…

Happy Birthday, to you. Happy Birthday, to you. Happy Birthday, dear Mommom. Happy Birthday, to you. You truly are one of a kind and the best of your kind and I'm so glad you're mine. And even more glad your ours. Thank you for teaching me how to sing "Baa Baa Black Sheep" Thank you for teaching me all of the dirty words ...

Old, Wise Wives

How much credibility do you grant to those Old Wives Tales and suggestions from days gone by? Let me tell you something: I was always one to say nay when told to wave a threaded needle over my pregnant belly, but wouldn't you know that that darn thing spun around in a circle over the little girl in my ...

Happy Happy

There's a whole lot of celebrating going on this week in the Land of Mom. There was our Engagemeversary yesterday. There is a certain little piglet's certain little month birthday tomorrow. And, today, there are two, count 'em, two, birthdays in the family: My baby sis and mother-in-law. This makes for a very busy weekend. Fine by me. This also means lots of cake. Fine ...

Happy Engagemeversary!

4 years ago, today, was one of the most magical, special, memorable days of my life. 4 years ago, today, My husband and I became engaged. (oh, and just in case you're not sure what that link there is, that's the proposal story, in all of it's parts. Enjoy! I did!) It's hard to believe that it's only been ...

Love, Baby Ever After

Hi, Friends- Baby here! Pleased to know you! So nice to make your acquaintance! I know we haven't been formally introduced, but I'm only 7 months old, so I've just learned to write. Mommy tells me the best things about you. I have a feeling she's told you a little bit about me, too. I just got back from my very first ...