I have to admit something to you. I have tremendous guilt; I would describe this feeling of guilt a a combination of pressure that I put on myself and a feeling of failure. I have a lot going on in my personal life. I am helping to build a most awesome community. I am trying desperately to find ...
Help, Healing and Hope.
It is because of this group that I am now hiding under my comforter, 30 minutes before my alarm is set to go off (that is if my human alarm does not wake first), with the courage to write about today. My experience in September changed my life--my entire being--in many ways, both tangible and intangible, ...
What is in store? Ever so much more.
Yesterday, my "work day" wrapped up with a chat with my business manager. By the way, you must remember, I am the girl who has only had one set of business cards in her entire life... and they were Betty Boop business cards I had personalized for me at FAO Schwartz that read, "Star of Stage and ...
Search Engine Optimization
So, the cool thing about running a Wordpress site is that you can see your statistics every day; while I can't see who views my posts, I can see how many unique viewers I get, how many views, what sites have directed traffic my way, the fact that today my blog was read in the ...
Coming back ’round again.
Here I am. I'm back from a wri-atus of sorts. You see, it was nearly a month ago now that I made the decision to close the door to this chapter. Not because I didn't love writing my "ever after". I did. I loved chronicling my days with my little one; I loved the intimate relationship I was able to develop ...
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