Sister things.

I write a lot on here about my dear, beloved friends, who are like my sisters. We talk constantly, see each other whenever possible and are as close as friends can be. But I am also lucky enough to have an actual sister; She has appeared many times on here throughout the years, and although we ...

Bravo, Break-Ups and ripping off the Band-Aid,

Whenever my friends are going through break-ups, I always give them the same advice: "Don't let there be a gray area. That is when it gets most complicated and leads to the most pain, ultimately. Just rip off the band-aid and cut it off. It will hurt more now, but I promise it will make ...

Some real perspective.

Hello! Broadcasting live from yet ANOTHER sick day at our house, with both kids home, coughing and sneezing. Some folks might get frustrated that their plans (large and small) have to change for another day, so that they may look after their snotty offspring. But oh no. Not here. I feel lucky to be here, still in my pajamas ...

“Oui Oui Oui!”

The idealism and sense of control I felt this morning based on some creative imaginative play and happy moods has now devolved into this: It is 5pm. I have been placed in a tiara and am being forced to wield a wand. My hot cocoa just exploded in my microwave. And then I choked on it. And, my daughter ...