When life hands you lemons…

Today, after I had picked up my daughter early from school, she told me, excitedly, that she loved her new lunchtime drink; A lemonade juice box. It's funny; I think very often about the moments that make me really feel like a mom. And it is not the ones that I would expect. Like packing lunch, for ...

I’ve been beanboozled.

If you are a parent or someone who is around kids, you know that about 1/3-1/2 of the things that they say are actually true. There are kernels of truth in most things, but there are also great exaggerations (the kind folk refer to these as "imaginations"). So my daughter tells me things every day like: "There ...

All aboard.

Today is a sick day. I am home with two sick kiddos and not feeling so hot myself (except, if you mean temperature hot, which I do, a little). Throughout the past four and a half years I have written about so many sick days; the time that my baby had her first fever and my husband ...

Lindsay Docherty Photography

I've written and raved before about the magic and beauty and romance that is Lindsay Docherty Photography. Here is the final installment of my journey with Lindsay. Let me be clear in saying this: This is not a sponsored post. These photos are not c/o her business. I am writing about the phenomenal Lindsay Docherty because she ...


It seems that time is going by at warp speed. My baby had his half birthday. Things are flying. And so I decided to take a look back. On this date in April 2010 I had just become a mother six days prior. It was my third day home from the hospital. I was learning to nurse ...

Far from being over.

This week, I had the privilege of witnessing a magical event; The day was beautiful, crisp and sunny, and my class, as well as many others, enjoyed the weather outside on the playground. As I supervised my children, scanning my eyes back and forth across the tot lot, another teacher called for my attention. She told me to look ...