Mr. Dad

Dear Friends, Where do I begin? Often, it's something like, "Hi, I'm Becca? I'm fine, thank you! What do I do? Well, I'm an author. And a blogger. Except, I haven't really blogged..." (at least this is what I have been saying in my head.) I owe you so many things right now. Stories. Updates. Explanations. They're all coming. You ...

Modern Moms

I am always so honored when I get called upon to talk about my story; I love to share my take on life, my evolution as a blogger, the reason for my mental health advocacy and, as emphasized here, why I'm always #keepinitreal on social media. Here you can read my interview entitled " Modern Moms " ...

Daddy, Ever After

So, as I was browsing the internet yesterday, (read: baby fell asleep while nursing. I had nothing to do but read blogs from my Blackberry) I came across this delicious little interview from the Blogger extraordinaire, The Pioneer Woman, during which she interviewed her rugged cowboy of a husband about all things "hiney-tingling", to use her slang. In ...