I DO know how to toilet train my son!

It only took one year of trying! Exactly one year ago, I published this post entitled "I do not know how to toilet train my son." I swear that I wrote a follow-up post to the original, but I cannot seem to find it. I did, however, write a more recent post involving my son and the toilet, but ...

When it snowed

I can still remember the day. It was Thanksgiving, 2010, and my daughter was seven-months-old. We had given her a bagel to gnaw on for the very first time and she played happily on the floor of our small, quaint living room in our little, first house. And then, snowflakes started to dance from the sky and ...

An unpopular post.

I am prepared. I am used to many of my posts being greeted with great warmth and empathy. "I feel exactly the same way!" I hear. But I don't think that this will be that kind of post; it is going to be a different post. An unpopular post. And that is OK. I am writing in support of the snow ...

If I had to describe my day at work,

using only one word,     it would be BUBBLES. How lucky am I? And no. These photos were not, in fact, taken this morning. They were taken over the summer. I did not bother to take photos of the bubble party today because today is gray and cold and miserable. And not snowing. And not snowing means not a snow-day ...