Sometimes, the story just writes itself.

“Mom?” Belle asked, licking the last bit of chocolate icing from the back of her hand. “Mommy? Do you still blog?” We were sitting in the hard, plastic bucket seats in the single terminal at the Cyril E. King Airport in St. Thomas, and she’d just eaten an individual Sarah Lee chocolate cake square, after I veered her ...

Mommy Gut

As humans, we are often told to listen to our hearts. We are told to pay attention to our "inner voice" and that its words should reign supreme over all else. There is an actual movement surrounding a greater effort to pay attention to our feelings, and while this is something that I would ordinarily get behind (and, in ...

Gone Fishin’

'tis true. I know that I have been quiet this week, and it is because I have had to be. A lot has been going on, but we are OK. I promise. And as of tomorrow, we will be off...we will have gone fishin' as they say. And so, HERE is where you can find so many of my stories that ...

My first blog post ever.

My friends! Here I am, just in time to sign off once again. This past week both my phone and my computer crashed. Like, really, actually crashed. If you watch that clip right over there -------------------> you can see that my laptop screen was already cracked, but this week it went kaput. So I haven't been able to post, ...

My Love.

Long ago, we wrote love notes. We wrote each other poems, left little hearts around, exchanged cards and poems. Now, our love is much deeper. We have been through the worst together, and I don't say it enough. I am so lucky to have a husband who brings home "just because" flowers to me. That is nice. But that's ...

I have to say,

that although I am in a land far, far away, where my internet connection is limited to 36 seconds a day, and my phone has not worked since Sunday, and where the rum drinks flow like.... know.... I feel compelled to take the last 22 seconds of signal I have to say that at this moment, for me, happiness is spending more hours in ...

june 2009 I am covered in sunscreen, lying on the sand on Ka’anapali Beach in Maui. june 2010 I am covered in spit-up, lying on the floor of my daughter’s bedroom for “Tummy Time” Isn’t there some expression about a year making a whole hell of a difference? Still, I wouldn’t trade June 2010 for anything.

june 2009 I am covered in sunscreen, lying on the sand on Ka’anapali Beach in Maui. june 2010 I am covered in spit-up, lying on the floor of my daughter’s bedroom for “Tummy Time” Isn’t there some expression about a year making a whole hell of a difference? Still, I wouldn’t trade June 2010 for anything.

june 2009 I am covered in sunscreen, lying on the sand on Ka’anapali Beach in Maui. june 2010 I am covered in spit-up, lying on the floor of my daughter’s bedroom for “Tummy Time” Isn’t there some expression about a year making a whole hell of a difference? Still, I wouldn’t trade June 2010 for anything.