Smoothie-Palooza with my Nutribullet

​ In the classic love stories section of your local bookstore, you will undoubtedly find the tale of Becca and her beloved kale shakes. We courted, we fought, we divorced, we reconciled, and now we are an old married couple. In fact, we spend every night together. But, because I am not a chef, nor am I a ...

A Post About Sex.

Mommy, Ever After is a blog that began under the umbrella of "mommy blog" and has evolved a bit into the world of popular culture and mental health, but really, it's mostly about being a parent and a person. That said, this site is definitely not appropriate for children. I share some very personal details about ...

When life hands you lemons…

Today, after I had picked up my daughter early from school, she told me, excitedly, that she loved her new lunchtime drink; A lemonade juice box. It's funny; I think very often about the moments that make me really feel like a mom. And it is not the ones that I would expect. Like packing lunch, for ...

“Superstition ain’t the way.”

It started with a chair. Well, two chairs if I am being honest, but if you get the reference above then we are automatically better friends than we were before you opened this post. More on that, later. Two years ago, just after we closed on our new home, I went with my parents to the Rago ...

In sickness and in health.

We were huddled together, sharing a tiny bed in the ER hallway, as the hospital was so crowded that there were no spare rooms. I was wearing a gown and motorcycle boots and he made a headrest for himself with his coat, so that he could lean against the nurse's station. We couldn't see most ...

An emotional day.

Today was a pretty good day, despite the fact that my daughter was home sick with a bad cough and fever. I had fun with my kids and delighted in their (our) love for each other. I had at least a handful of moments where I would catch eyes with my son and smile and he ...

Sweet news!

Hey, you guys. I have some great news. Apparently the universe has not, in fact, been sending me signals that I should avoid being virtuous by  eating more healthful superfoods. Yes, I had three kale-amities, but I was wrong about the common denominator; You see, I had thought it was the kale. No, no, no, my friends. This is what ...


Something interesting happened to me this week; my iPhone stopped working. It was on Thursday, New Year's Day, and one minute it was sending and receiving texts (despite being shattered and an eyesore) and the next minute the screen became completely dysfunctional. I could not use it at all, which meant that I could not swipe ...

But then I erased my text.

I started to type this post thinking that I would link to all of the New Year's Eves that I have written about in the past, referencing some recent posts about letting things go and moving forward, but in an effort to really take steps away from the past, I am going to leave those ...