Human again.

It's a funny thing; It has been so long since I have written on here about having named my daughter after a Disney Princess. If you click on that big magnifying glass in the upper right hand corner of this page and type in the words "Disney Princess" you will be shocked at how many ...

International Day of Happiness

I have seen from my social media feed that today is #internationaldayofhappiness. I love this, in that I believe we should all celebrate life when we can, cherishing every drop of it. But, I also worry about this, as I know that today there are many people who are not happy, not even close, and I don't ...

We are doing this

My relationship with my son is an extremely complex one. It is so easy for me to write about my daughter (my mini-me); in fact, I have literally hundreds of posts from which to choose, that would each somehow illustrate her character or our bond. I was just searching for the post in which I ...


There is this thing on the internet that all of my friends use; And by friends, I mean everyone. It's called Pinterest. J has been trying to get me to join for years and I finally just took the plunge. I have 1 board, 3 pins and 0 followers. It actually took me 10 minutes to figure out ...

Oh, hi, Brett Dennen.

If you follow me in any way on social media, or if you have spent more than 5 minutes on this site, you will know that I am an enormous fan of the person and musician named Brett Dennen. You might know that my favorite song is "Sydney (I'll Come Running)" because of it's profound meaning ...

My angels.

In the span of 20 hours, I was given two signs, one from each of my angels. I am choosing to interpret them as reminders to be strong. It is hard, sometimes, to remember, but, as my fortune cookies said on Sunday night, "Fate will find a way." Yesterday my mom randomly spotted this feather on the ground, next ...

Ash Wednesday

I wasn't going to write anything today; I am so exhausted that it I find it exhausting to type the word "exhausted". I have been fighting some major fatigue for the past two weeks and today was just a long day. By 4pm, I had face planted onto the bed in the guest room, as the kids ...