Today is Picture Day.
It will be my daughter’s fourth picture day at her Pre-School and it is always an exciting day for the kids and their parents.
In the past, we have always made sure to pick out special outfits with care.
Last night, before bed, my daughter and I made a plan to pick out a special outfit this morning for her picture day.
“I think I want a tank top with a long-sleeved shirt underneath.” I remember her saying, but I did not think much of it.
This morning, I woke up to the sound of the baby, but my daughter had already been up for awhile.
When I peeked in her room, I saw that she had already gotten dressed.
She was wearing purple leggings and a hot pink and black striped tank top with a studded peace sign–with a coral-pink long-sleeved shirt underneath.
And hair chalk. Hot pink chair chalk.
At first, I subtly hinted at the fact that we would obviously be changing for picture day, as I changed her brother and said that we would go down for breakfast.
“But mom,” she said. “I don’t want to get anything on my Picture Day outfit.”
I opened my mouth to protest and then I stopped.
This is what she wanted to wear to express herself. This is the outfit that makes her feel good today, and she did it all by herself.
I texted my mommy bestie, whose son is also having his picture taken today, and I asked her, “What makes me a better mom?” But I already knew the answer.
If my girl has the confidence to rock pink hair chalk to school, 1 month shy of being 5 years old, then more power to her.
So I told her that we would be very careful with her special outfit and I assured her that I would make sure to style her hair so that the pink was clearly visible.
“I think I look perfect,” she said; her exact words. And I could cry while typing this, as I am so proud of the person that she is becoming.
I asked if I could take her picture for my blog, and she is now an expert on how to pose for Mommy, Ever After, as opposed to regular photos, as she knows that I don’t show her face on my site.
So here she is. This is picture day.
And my kid? She chose a peace sign. I could not be more proud.
Best picture day ever.
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