Living. A whole year later.

I realized, earlier today, that it has been about a year since I returned from my wriatus and began blogging again on this site with my "Hard Story", before I knew to call it that; before I even know what "it" was. For some reason I had thought that my first post back was my ...

Thank you.

I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you. Thank you for the support. Thank you for the love. Thank you. This week, I had the distinct honor and privilege of being featured on the local 6ABC News in a story about Postpartum Depression. This came about after posting "The Hardest Post I've Ever Written", about ...

COVID19 is making me feel like a bad mom.

(What I have done for the last 2 months: yoga every day. What I have not done for the last 2 months: felt, in any way, relaxed, calm, peaceful, or zen.) *** try (verb):  make an attempt or effort to do something; an attempt to achieve or attain.  trying (adjective): difficult or annoying; hard to endure. Has any other homonym been more applicable during ...

a blogger?

Hello, my friends. How are you, on this fine day? Did you rest well? I sure hope so. Speaking of rest, I was thinking of you this morning, at 4:30, when I was roused from slumber and then could not manage to fall back to sleep. I tried all of my go-to tricks; the healthy ones, to start. ...

It’s Not Just For Moms

A moment of calm. Not pictured, the gathering storm clouds.  In this piece, originally published via Thrive Global, I am honored to welcome a guest author to this site. I am in awe of his strength; I am moved, deeply, by his words; I am married to him. Here, I treat you to: I am a 36 Year ...

Not enough

The photo above was taken last month at Ludlow House, on the Lower East Side, for my sister's pub day party. It shows a little bit of sparkle. And makeup. And the cool updo. And glitter. Gotta get my glitter back.  *** I couldn’t have scripted this any better. This morning, I woke up and I lingered in ...

Is it dark in heaven?

This morning, after dropping my daughter off for her last day of second grade, my son and I were engaged in one of our typical drive-to-school chats. "Mommy, can you tell me a scary story? How about 'The Haunted Rock' or 'The Broken Elevator in the Toy Store,' can you tell me those scary stories, and make them ...

Adult Friendship

“Friendship. It’s complicated,” I wrote, in my piece about "Thirteen Reasons Why", echoing Hannah Baker’s own words. In that particular post I highlighted some of the hardest aspects of life, and so I wanted to revisit this notion and to explain—on a deeper level—how I feel. Friendship, when you are an adult, can be both essential and ...


"It's daddy's birthday, oh yes it is, and it is today!" This birthday chant has become a tradition in our family -- mostly as a joke -- after having seen "Festen", the dark, dramatic play based on the Danish movie, on Broadway. For my 21st birthday, my parents and I got tickets to this star-filled show, featuring ...