In sickness and in health.

We were huddled together, sharing a tiny bed in the ER hallway, as the hospital was so crowded that there were no spare rooms. I was wearing a gown and motorcycle boots and he made a headrest for himself with his coat, so that he could lean against the nurse's station. We couldn't see most ...

Your Grand Tour.

The time has finally come for your official Grand Tour of our new home here at Mommy, Ever After. I will say that some additional features are being added this week, so I will update you when they are available (including the ability to be a subscriber again and get emails sent directly to you whenever ...

Partnerships & Purpose

Image via Michelle Sweeney, Little Nest Portraits     The goal of all of my writing is to say the things that other people have a hard time admitting to or articulating; to be candid and raw and to say, "You are not alone." I want to make people's lives better, be it by reading a funny ...

I mean, why settle for four eyes

when you can have eight? So, yeah, this morning we found out that our baby boy, 10 days shy of his first birthday, will need glasses, just like his big sister. Evidently, though, he is an overachiever, because whereas she didn't need them until she was 13 months old, he is getting them before 12. Atta boy! And though he ...

Best. Note. Ever.

Found this on my way into my parents' house on Sunday. (We were sitting for the pups.) This note tickled me. My dad knows me so well. Oh, and did you catch his reference to Tuesday night's dinner? He was planning a Boys Night, with an extensive and oh-so-manly menu. But, alas, one of the men fell ill and so ...

full heart/full circle

When my husband and I began to date, we shared an instant connection. It was different, it was special, it was every cliche in the book and more. 3 weeks after our first date, after a fun night out with his friends, we walked down the street, the Art Museum to our right, holding hands and talking about, well, us. I wish I could remember exactly how the ...

she grows

Once upon a time, I gave birth to a tiny, sweet baby. And then, I turned my back for just one small second, and my newborn turned into an 8 and a half month old girl. A real person. And suddenly, she no longer fit in the blankets that once swaddled her tight; She no longer fit in the undershirts that ...

Daddy, Ever After

So, as I was browsing the internet yesterday, (read: baby fell asleep while nursing. I had nothing to do but read blogs from my Blackberry) I came across this delicious little interview from the Blogger extraordinaire, The Pioneer Woman, during which she interviewed her rugged cowboy of a husband about all things "hiney-tingling", to use her slang. In ...


Maybe it's a new mom thing; Maybe it's because I'm trying to hold onto every moment, to take in every everything about every minute, as time seems to be racing by; Maybe it's just me, but, just this week, I've been overcome and overwhelmed by memories. They keeps sneaking up on me. Like when I was searching around in the lazy susan in the ...