
This is a love letter to my team. Not my "outpatient team"; certainly not when I played Penn Valley Junior Girls Basketball and was on Miami; this is a love letter to #teamMEA. Dearest Loves, For someone who loves words, I am having trouble finding the right ones; this is the hardest love letter I have ever ...

We talked about sex. (Let’s talk some more.)

SEE BELOW FOR IMPORTANT UPDATE: Last week, I wrote my first ever post about sex. I am very careful about the content that I include on my site, a site called "Mommy, Ever After", but I think that the post (and the subsequent conversations that it sparked) are lifestyle issues that will help all of us ...

That which is ours.

I am a Jewish girl who loves Christmas. I don't think I am particularly unique. I do not have a tree in my house, nor do we celebrate in any religious way. My child attends a Jewish preschool at a Synagogue. But Christmas is just the best. It's CHRISTMAS! I have gotten to experience true Christmas twice in my life: The ...

What is in store? Ever so much more.

Yesterday, my "work day" wrapped up with a chat with my business manager. By the way, you must remember, I am the girl who has only had one set of business cards in her entire life... and they were Betty Boop business cards I had personalized for me at FAO Schwartz that read, "Star of Stage and ...

Stay Tuned and Get Pumped! (is what I was going to say.)

Patience, my dear ones. For I am off to a happy place, where I will be celebrating my 8th Engagemaversary in that very same spot. ...is what I had written, yesterday, prepared to publish today, as I would now be off to St. John, via St. Thomas, with my entire family; Parents, siblings, kids... It's funny. Just last week, ...

“In Our Time” and on my night table.

“What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” -T.S. Eliot, one of my favorites. Last night before bed I scanned my night table for my glasses, and took a minute to note what I keep there, next to me, ...

My Nanny

I have written on this site, since it's inception, about my Nanny. My Nanny was my grandmother on my dad's side. She was incredibly special to me, and I lost her when I was 13 years old after a furious 6 month battle with cancer. She is why I have a thing for feathers and lucky pennies. She ...

A tiny, little, amazing story.

Today, as I unloaded from school pick up, doing my normal routine of getting my daughter out of the passenger side of the car, slinging her backpack over my shoulder, walking her around the car to my side where I get her brother out in his incredibly heavy infant carrier, when my daughter said, "Wait. I want to see ...

A very feathered surprise.

(originally published on 511) What's better than having a strength symbol in your home? MANY strength symbols. More feathers!! So while our kiddo bathroom is slowly transforming into a bird sanctuary (with the peacock rug and birdcage light fixture) I have decided to add some very feathered wall paper to a surprise spot in our home. It looks a bit like this... and where it goes... you'll just ...