A handful of things

1. I had my MRI/MRA yesterday. It was less scary than I had expected (though I don't yet know the results because in order to view the disk with my images I would need a PC and also probably a medical degree). However... As we headed back for my test, my heart racing, my stomach turning, ...

A Post About Sex.

Mommy, Ever After is a blog that began under the umbrella of "mommy blog" and has evolved a bit into the world of popular culture and mental health, but really, it's mostly about being a parent and a person. That said, this site is definitely not appropriate for children. I share some very personal details about ...

When life hands you lemons…

Today, after I had picked up my daughter early from school, she told me, excitedly, that she loved her new lunchtime drink; A lemonade juice box. It's funny; I think very often about the moments that make me really feel like a mom. And it is not the ones that I would expect. Like packing lunch, for ...

You are not alone.

Below, before the three asterisks, is what I wrote early this morning. I took some time off from writing this more emotional post and so, instead, I posted the story of a dance party. Then, my parents took  my daughter to see her new favorite movie, I picked up the cake for my husband's birthday tomorrow ...

Nurture, Nature and “Into the Woods”.

Yesterday was a big day. My son woke up late, as a treat, and my daughter followed me into his room to change his morning diaper. "Today is the day!" she beamed. "I know! Today is the cookie party!" I answered, referring to our plans for the special Pollyanna party with our best friends. "No!" She cried. "Today, Bubbie ...

Be there and be square.

I made it no secret on here (and in my life) that I was quite nervous about expanding our family. We were a perfect triangle. I remember taking an autumn trip to the beach house with the fairy godparents and sitting on the couch for hours, literally, listing the reasons why I was scared to have another ...


"Mommy, Ever After" and Rebecca's work has been featured locally, nationally & internationally, both in writing and on TV. Image via Michelle Sweeney, Little Nest Portraits Rebecca was featured in the New York Times as a mental health advocate for postpartum depression. Photo Credit: Jessica Kourkounis Mommy, Ever After was recognized as "Best Parenting Blog" by Main Line Today magazine Upon the release ...