This is what love looked like in 2006
This is what love looked like last month.
Our love has grown up with us.
And hey,
we grew a baby together.
And perhaps our love has grown a bit more wrinkly with age,
and grown to need glasses,
and maybe it’s grown some wear around the seams,
but oh,
how our love has grown.
April 24, 2011
I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but I actually think you guys look even happier/hotter/more in love if that is possible in the last month photo of love than the 2006 one. Isn’t being married to your best friend the best? What a lucky couple!
April 27, 2011
You’re the best, mama G! Yes, ’tis the best! Love watching you and Papa G, so so in love, you are!
April 25, 2011
you guys are precious becca- sending you lots of love! Ali Barcelona
April 27, 2011
Right back atchya, love!
April 27, 2011
Umm…I don’t know what this “old and wrinkly” business is all about. You’re still in your 20’s! You’re gorgeous and young and young-looking!