“Beau and Lo (and Lola’s Bows)”

(portrait courtesy of Emily D. Stewart, artist) “Beau and Lo (And Lola’s Bows)” Once upon an autumn day Baby Beau cried his very first cry Lola romped in the leaves, as she couldn’t believe Her new best friend had arrived. Lola loved her Beau and baby Beau loved his Lo In the house with the blue balloons With a chill in the air, and ...

Thoughtful Parenting

Thank you to Thoughtful Parenting for this feature and for the chance to don my "Becca the author" hat. Thank you to Wendy for the beautiful interview. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your tribe and for your willingness to be a part of mine. Please enjoy this article (and image) as ...

Sometimes, the story just writes itself.

“Mom?” Belle asked, licking the last bit of chocolate icing from the back of her hand. “Mommy? Do you still blog?” We were sitting in the hard, plastic bucket seats in the single terminal at the Cyril E. King Airport in St. Thomas, and she’d just eaten an individual Sarah Lee chocolate cake square, after I veered her ...

Dear Kenny

Dear Kenny, As I leave the hospital, the place where both of our babies were born, and handed to us, and first fed by me, and diapered by you, I hit a sea of blue scrubs, all in different shades and tones. When I first pulled up this morning, for an early test, I thought that it would be like living out ...

This Old House: A Before and After (Part One)

Over the past 26 months, there has been a central character in my life story that has not yet been properly introduced. My home. I call it my home deliberately, and not just "my house," as from the moment I walked through the doors and stood in the (then) mustard-yellow entryway, I said, "this is where I ...


Dear World, Today is Election Day. (Go vote! Even if your kids are off of school, I urge you to vote! However, NOT THE POINT OF THIS POST!) I am writing to tell you that, before noon today, I earned a varsity letter on my mom jacket. Let's start at the beginning: This morning, I woke up before 7, which is unusual for ...

DIY Powder Room

 Hello, and welcome to my first real DIY Post. Also, this is the first time that I am showing you my Powder Room. I am always posting pictures of my family in my home and #keepinitreal, but this room has remained under wraps. I am sure you can imagine why. Oh yeah A little closer, please. Cardinal Rule ...

It was amazing

"You never play outside with us like that, mama!" my daughter said, smiling.  "I know, love," I began. "I want to play outside with you..." She cut me off.  "No, mama. You did play outside with us today and it was the most fun day ever. It was amazing." *** I cannot even begin to count how many times I have written ...

Cake Smash

On October 24, my son--my precious, strong boy--turned three. I am so proud of the little person he has become. My son knows what he wants in this world and he fights for it (even if that is the entire box of MOREOS! NOW!) He is incredibly kind and he loves his family deeply... but no one compares to his big ...

A chance for change.

I wanted a grand entryway...  As someone who is obsessed with interior design and home decorating, I love being a Wayfair Homemaker (click here to read my previous Wayfair posts). In the past year, I have used Wayfair to decorate two homes of my own, one carriage house for a friend and purchased more gifts than I can count. When ...