The temperature also rises.

After 12 wonderful days of holiday break, my daughter finally got to go back to school on Monday. She was so excited; she had missed her friends and teachers a lot. We are two days in to the new year and, wouldn't you know it, she is home sick again. She woke up late last night, crying for ...

My Shop is Closed

(via Ramshackle Glam's Pinterest Page) ser·en·dip·i·ty ˌserənˈdipitē noun noun: serendipity; plural noun: serendipities the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. *** Yesterday, I read a post that brought me to tears. My girl Jordan over at Ramshackleglam wrote the most beautiful piece entitled, "Not So Brave", about the impending (like, this week) birth of her ...

The Magnificent Seven, The Son Edition.

Looking back, I found the note I wrote to my daughter when she turned seven months, a love letter detailing milestones in her life and expressing my profound love. Today is my son's seventh month birthday, and so, for him I shall do the same. Dearest baby, My sweetness; My light. Today you are seven months old. A magnificent ...

Almost paradise.

My apologies. I know that things have been quiet around these parts. While I may have been absent outwardly,   rest assured that I've been a good blogging squirrel, gathering seeds and hoarding stories and collecting photos of my baby, bee-lining towards sparkly shoes, to share with you. But, the truth is, it's been a hard week. And it's a long story. But ...

Coming back ’round again.

Here I am. I'm back from a wri-atus of sorts. You see, it was nearly a month ago now that I made the decision to close the door to this chapter. Not because I didn't love writing my "ever after". I did. I loved chronicling my days with my little one; I loved the intimate relationship I was able to develop ...

Oh yes, sweet darlin’

Today, I cried while slow dancing with my little girl. We were listening to a very special CD, For Our Children, and as we swayed back and forth to Carole King singing "Child of Mine", I began to cry. You see, I am getting a bit wistful, a tad sentimental, about this whole "My newborn baby is actually now one-whole-year-old ...

Love, Baby Ever After

Hi, Friends- Baby here! Pleased to know you! So nice to make your acquaintance! I know we haven't been formally introduced, but I'm only 7 months old, so I've just learned to write. Mommy tells me the best things about you. I have a feeling she's told you a little bit about me, too. I just got back from my very first ...

While the cat’s away…

This week, I will embarking upon a great new challenge; I will be attempting to leave the house, for a few hours a day, and to be on a schedule. You see, this week, I will be substitute teaching. Because I was put on bedrest in my 9th month of pregnancy, and because I am a teacher, I have not worked since March. Officially, ...