Between Friends

 I have to admit something; I was never much of a coffee drinker…
until motherhood.
I was a total tea gal, and I kind of had some sort of weird pride in that title.
“Oh no, I only drink tea.” Gave me some hipster street cred (in my head).
I always loved the smell, but I’d happily sip on my Mango black tea and call it a day. Or night.
But now oh how do I love my coffee. I love it very hot. I love it in plenty.
My husband has recently gotten very into coffee. He studies it.
He tells me (and I may get this wrong, because I only half listen, sorry honey)  that the secret to coffee is: The beans, the amount of water and the grind.
So for father’s day he got a burr grinder; more recently he got a chemex.
And then there are the beans.
Recently I had a play-date with an old friend from high school with whom I’ve reconnected and re-bonded over motherhood. We had babies just weeks apart, both boys, mine my second and hers her first. Despite the years that had passed between us, we shared things as we sat on my living room floor, cooing and ogling at our boys, and we talked about the realities of motherhood. We talked about the hard stuff. It felt so good. You see, this girl is someone who was always so together, and kind and good. So it made me feel okay about not being so OK all the time.
And she brought treats. For me, she brought dark chocolate. She is a smart woman. For my husband, she brought coffee beans. Her husband has started a coffee business, Between Friends Roasting Company.
This is not a sponsored post. Yes, the bag of coffee was c/0 my friend, but OMG is this coffee incredible. It is rich and delicious and we will be using money to purchase it in the future, no discounts, no nothing, because it is that good. So good that I wanted to write about it.
It is nice to share things between friends. Secrets. Fears. Anxieties. Boasts. And sometimes, when you’re lucky, dark chocolate and coffee.

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