The Woman in the Window

There is a period in my twenties about which I have not written very much. In trying to think about why I have left this out of my story, when I share so much of my story, I think that it is because I wasn't always as open as I am, so sharing the story of ...


Hello, and welcome to summer! We just celebrated memorial day, which I hope, for you, was wonderful, with barbeques, beaches and bonfires. For me, it was the band, burgers and a baby pool, but lovely nonetheless. But, now that Memorial Day Weekend has come and gone is time to really kick it into camp-planning-mode. Earlier this month, I wrote all ...

Summer Camp, for me.

(Featured Image from JKCP Xploration Showcase, Summer 2014) "JKCP Summer, it's a place for glee..." 19 years ago, I crafted those words, as I was responsible for writing our camp's theme song. After an unsuccessful one month and four days at overnight camp, I was a bit lost, until I found my personal mecca in the form of ...

Ash Wednesday

I wasn't going to write anything today; I am so exhausted that it I find it exhausting to type the word "exhausted". I have been fighting some major fatigue for the past two weeks and today was just a long day. By 4pm, I had face planted onto the bed in the guest room, as the kids ...

Jo (M)alone

My son has started this pattern of carrying some strange things around the house with him. Today, his favorites have been my toothbrush, a potholder, "his" iPhone (an old, out of service phone we use as a sound machine), a bag of quinoa and my bottle of Jo Malone "Honeysuckle and Jasmine Cologne". I think that this is supposed ...


Today did not go as I had planned. I woke up, early, to the sound of my son crying at his normal time and was immediately hit with extreme vertigo. I was so dizzy that I could not move or walk. I got back into bed and went back to sleep. My husband took care of the morning ...

“Tell me more, Tell me more.”

I can't believe that it has been four and a half years, almost to the day, since I wrote this silly little post about my sister and the musical Grease. She had sent me the cutest text message and so, because I kept this as an online diary of my life, I blogged it. And I can't ...

“Superstition ain’t the way.”

It started with a chair. Well, two chairs if I am being honest, but if you get the reference above then we are automatically better friends than we were before you opened this post. More on that, later. Two years ago, just after we closed on our new home, I went with my parents to the Rago ...

I’ve been beanboozled.

If you are a parent or someone who is around kids, you know that about 1/3-1/2 of the things that they say are actually true. There are kernels of truth in most things, but there are also great exaggerations (the kind folk refer to these as "imaginations"). So my daughter tells me things every day like: "There ...

The Power of Friendship.

In my introductory post on this new site, I mentioned that I am currently working on a book. If you check out my about me page, you will see that I have a literary agent who is working to shop my book to publishers. I wrote the original proposal back in May; I was in a different ...