In my introductory post on this new site, I mentioned that I am currently working on a book.
If you check out my about me page, you will see that I have a literary agent who is working to shop my book to publishers.
I wrote the original proposal back in May; I was in a different place and a different state of mind and a different phase as a writer. I actually re-wrote my proposal recently (or, more accurately, edited it heavily) so that it would read more like a narrative as opposed to blog posts being slapped together.
And do you know what is so nice? All of you who have asked me to “Please write a book!” and have told me “I can’t wait to read any book you write!” That is so flattering and touching and I promise that if I do get a chance to publish the book I am envisioning, it will not just be “Mommy, Ever After” with 900 blog posts that you’ve already read, crammed together to make it look like a story. I have new things to say. Trust me. So many new things.
In any case, as I mentioned before, the book structure in my proposal is in 3 distinct parts:
“A Happy Story”, “A Hard Story” and then, finally, “A Hopeful Story”.
Under those broad sections, I wrote some sample chapters and outlined others. Under “A Hopeful Story” the phrase I used to describe my relationship with my friends is “The Power of Friendship”. It seems kind of trite now, so I may have to do some more editing, but the message that I was trying to convey has only solidified and strengthened in my mind since I first outlined that chapter.
The development and tightening of my friendships was probably the most defining part of last year (when talking about things happy and hopeful, that is). I say this all the time, it should become my tag line, but my friends have become my family. I end text messages to my girls, saying “#friendshipisthickerthanblood”. But I really mean it. I can’t even begin to tell you all of the things that my friends did for me last year; from childcare support to emotional support, gifts and care packages, company and companionship, and gentle hugs when I was suffering and tough love when I needed it most.
But, I think that to better illustrates just how great “The Power of Friendship” is to me, I should just talk about one, single day. How about today?
Today was supposed to be a special day; J‘s dear college friend who subsequently became my dear friend, had planned a trip to visit us. We were all so excited.
I woke up this morning, late, feeling sick. My nose was stuffed, my head was pounding and I felt nauseated (an odd combination of symptoms). It may have something to do with my ear infection. In any case, I could no longer keep our fun day of activities and plans.
So here is what happened instead:
Our friend still came to town and both girls got to my house this morning just after nap time. And since that time, I have barely lifted a finger. They have taken care of my children, gotten me matzoh ball soup from the deli, picked up my prescription drugs from the pharmacy and taken my daughter out on a special date. Imagine, a friend from out of town, coming all the way from another state, just to take care of a sick friend and her two little kids. But it is her joy. That is the thing. This is actually funny; as I am typing this she just emailed me (as my phone went kaput last night) to show me a photo of my daughter and I thanked her and this was her exact reply. And I quote: “For what?? Literally for nothing. You don’t know how much this is making me happy.” What did I ever do to deserve this kind of kindness?
And that is just ONE example of friendship today. I woke up this morning to an amazing email from one of my new and most cherished friends who feels like she has been my friend forever. It said this:
“Anthem of 2015?
“One day at a time…sun gone shine” “
And included this song link.
This woman is a busy mother, has a tremendous amount on her plate, but took the time to think of me and send me some happy inspiration. What did I ever do to deserve this kind of thoughtfulness?
Finally, Twin had forwarded me a beautiful article about affirmations and it is such an interesting perspective and makes me want to try it (it is from a site called Daily Om) and in her email she wrote to me about how much she loves me. What did I ever do to deserve this kind of love?
And these are just a few examples and the sun hasn’t even set.
So much defined 2014, but I am slowly starting to let the good outweigh the bad. There was a time I thought that it was impossible. Then, there was a time when I was terrified to try to improve.
But now, I want to be better. Because look at all that I have to live for.
So for now, keep your fingers crossed for me that this illness is short-lived, that my book finds a publishing house that is the perfect fit and that my friends always, always know how much I treasure every little thing about every little thing.
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