For the love of music.

This morning, one of my cherished new friends sent this video to me, to help chase some of my sick babies blues away. [youtube=] She didn't know that The Beach Boys concert with my family was my favorite concert ever. EVER. She didn't know that "God only knows what I'd be without you." is the phrase that I ...

Letting it go.

This was sent to me yesterday by a dear friend. I needed it. I then sent it to another dear friend. She needed it. Every day, we all carry things with us; hopes, fears, ideas, identities... Some of these things lift us up. Some of my labels I wear proudly: Wife, mother, friend, daughter, grand-daughter, teacher, twin, writer, confidant, ...

The holy (nail) grail.

I have written before, many, many times, on both this site and over on the other, about my obsession with color. I am obsessed with the color of my hair. I am obsessed with the color of my rooms (and yours). And I am Ob. Sessed. With nail color. And it's weird. Because it has nothing to ...

A whole new level.

This weekend was pretty awesome. And it's been a while since we could say that so let me pause a second so I can knock on wood. OK, back. Anyway, instead of going to the shore or taking a day trip, we stuck around, walked down the empty streets, soaked up the sun and enjoyed our fantastic ...

10 Recent Moments of Kindness

This afternoon, while the baby napped, I had a moment to catch up on a favorite blog of mine, Emphasis Added,  a story that I have been following for years now. She is in the midst of a personal horror; while on vacation, there was a terrible flood in her house and almost everything in her ...

Go team.

Something amazing just happened. It was one of those slightly hectic moments in my daily routine, during which time I take both kids out of the car, unpack my daughter's backpack, unpack her lunch bag, clean out her lunch bag, put away any groceries or things I've picked up... and as I was doing all of that, ...

Scenes from The Bean/Happy Birthday, Twin!

So, I've been keeping a bit of a secret from you. Actually, it's kind of big... ( least in this land....the Land of Mom, that is.) 2 weeks ago, I spent my first weekend away WOB (without babe). It's taken me this long to share because a) I had to find the right words b) I had to process all that ...

On Gratitude and Giving

As a new mother, there are so many things that I am grateful for on a day to day, minute to minute, moment by moment basis. I am grateful for my baby's smiles. I am grateful when she says "mama" and looks at me with such love. I am grateful that she is finally starting to grow some hair. I am ...