What I want

 I cannot start this post without acknowledging two important things: 1. I have a LOT about which to write. I have formulated at least a dozen posts in my head over the holiday weekend (about gratitude, parenting my daughter v. my son, Thanksgiving and what it means to me...) but, for now, this is what is flying ...

Something Funny

Here's a joke for you: "Why is a computer so smart? It listens to its Motherboard!" *** OK, so I am notorious for being terrible at telling jokes. Don't get me wrong; I think that I am FUNNY AF. I just can't seem to do the whole "What is the definition of a sweater?" thing. See? Even that made no sense. (Just ...

Special Guest

On the latest episode of The Podcast I welcome a very special guest. Together we talk about wellness, my marriage post, and loving someone with a mental health issue. Have I piqued your interest? [audio mp3="http://mommyeverafter.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Mommy-Ever-After-Episode-8.mp3"] Well, the audio is above and the Epi is live on iTunes and Carla Thomas is on the record player and love is in my heart. For anyone who ...

Something new, and I think that it could be amazing.

Last night, as I hurried to take the kids for flu shots, get ready for band practice, and get dinner on the table, I posted a status on my personal Facebook page, and wrote a similar post for my local community's parent group, Main Line Parent Community. You may recognize the "Main Line Parent" name, ...

The Woman in the Window

There is a period in my twenties about which I have not written very much. In trying to think about why I have left this out of my story, when I share so much of my story, I think that it is because I wasn't always as open as I am, so sharing the story of ...

International Day of Happiness

I have seen from my social media feed that today is #internationaldayofhappiness. I love this, in that I believe we should all celebrate life when we can, cherishing every drop of it. But, I also worry about this, as I know that today there are many people who are not happy, not even close, and I don't ...

A handful of things

1. I had my MRI/MRA yesterday. It was less scary than I had expected (though I don't yet know the results because in order to view the disk with my images I would need a PC and also probably a medical degree). However... As we headed back for my test, my heart racing, my stomach turning, ...

I will never forget.

Yesterday, as I said, I had a tough day. I rebounded, though, primarily because of your supportive notes and comments and messages, so I thank you. I feel blessed. Today, however, is a day that I will never forget. And that because today was one of my best days as a parent; one of the best ...


I have to admit something to you. I have tremendous guilt; I would describe this feeling of guilt a a combination of pressure that I put on myself and a feeling of failure. I have a lot going on in my personal life. I am helping to build a most awesome community. I am trying desperately to find ...

Help, Healing and Hope.

It is because of this group that I am now hiding under my comforter, 30 minutes before my alarm is set to go off (that is if my human alarm does not wake first), with the courage to write about today. My experience in September changed my life--my entire being--in many ways, both tangible and intangible, ...