What is in store? Ever so much more.

Yesterday, my "work day" wrapped up with a chat with my business manager. By the way, you must remember, I am the girl who has only had one set of business cards in her entire life... and they were Betty Boop business cards I had personalized for me at FAO Schwartz that read, "Star of Stage and ...

My Shop is Closed

(via Ramshackle Glam's Pinterest Page) ser·en·dip·i·ty ˌserənˈdipitē noun noun: serendipity; plural noun: serendipities the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. *** Yesterday, I read a post that brought me to tears. My girl Jordan over at Ramshackleglam wrote the most beautiful piece entitled, "Not So Brave", about the impending (like, this week) birth of her ...


Sometimes, being a mommy gets overwhelming. Sometimes, I have moments of exasperation, like I shared earlier. But then sometimes, the baby goes to bed extra early, and my husband and I both get to do bedtime for the biggie, and I get to tell two bedtime stories: One made up about a place called Alasia, where Queen Elsa, ...

A Birth Story-My Sequel: Part 3

When we left off, I was being wheeled into the OR in the afternoon for a surprise C-Section, 4 days early, at 38.5 weeks and scared as hell. I am a very superstitious person and look for signs all around me. During the scary, unknown part of my first unexpected C-Section with my daughter, I was feeling helpless and ...

A Birth Story-My Sequel: Part 2

Perhaps I should back up a bit. As I mentioned, the doctor told me that because of the nature of my contractions, the difference I was feeling (despite having already been through FOUR false alarms), I should come in to Labor and Delivery to be checked out. You should know this about me: I am a positive person, I am ...

A Birth Story–My Sequel: Part 1

Hello, there. Or, to many, I should say Hello, Again. Welcome. Or Welcome Back. Right now, you can find me mostly over at 511 Ever After, but I've decided to return for a post that could only be written here; here where my mommy roots are anchored in deep, in stories of joy, enchantment, confusion, pain....my stories from ...

A whole 13.5 months later

and the notion that we are parents to this sweet, remarkable little girl still takes our breath away. Just this afternoon, as our little girl stood up and grabbed her daddy's leg in a squishy-baby-skinned-embrace, he looked at me, his eyes round and wet, and asked me, awestricken,"Am I really her daddy? When did I become her daddy?" And ...

On this Saturday night last year,

this was happening. My water broke, my contractions were three minutes apart, my mom and dad and husband and I were crowded in a small, somewhat scary delivery room, as we braced ourselves to meet our girl. Tonight, I split a piece of pizza with my daughter, and made two dozen cupcakes, and constructed my girl's favorite character out of fondant, and my mom ...


One year ago today, on a cloudy Saturday, much like this one, my day would prove to be my last on earth P.M.; Pre-Mommy. My birth story, though already begun, was far from over. But I did not know that, yet. All I knew was that I was ready to meet my little darling. This morning, I spent much of an hour ...