A tree

Yesterday, I had one of those good mom days. I felt accomplished, as I took care of both my kids, alone, for the entire day. I took them on a playdate and it was great. The little one napped. We all got ice cream. I even ran errands. With them. Outnumbered. On the car ride home from the last ...

Together, Ever After

You guys. You guys! You rock! Thank you, my sweet friends, old and new (and those old friends whom I just happened to have met recently). After this epic, unexpected surge of awesomeness from last week, I have received the most incredible emails. Stories. Hearts, open, poured out onto the page (or screen, as it were). And so, ...

There was nothing there.

I just woke up and my skin felt clammy, a unique phenomenon for someone who is perpetually cold. My heart was beating quickly. My brain seemed foggy and it took me a few extra seconds to shake the sleep from my head. My hand was on my bare stomach. There was nothing there. *** Last week, I was out to lunch ...

It really was no miracle.

What happened was just this... Last Fall, I made the very personal confession that I struggle with nightmares. Back then I was experiencing these bad dreams 6 out of 7 nights. I dreaded going to sleep. But it's gotten a lot better. Two nights ago, I had a nightmare, again. And then yesterday I had a really crappy ...

Haters Gonna Hate

Last week I had two momentous achievements in my career as a writer: First, I had a story published on a very popular, national website, exposing my writing to thousands of new readers. Second, I had my first encounter with haters. I have been writing MEA since the birth of my daughter in 2010. Since that time, I believe ...

Oh, hi, Brett Dennen.

If you follow me in any way on social media, or if you have spent more than 5 minutes on this site, you will know that I am an enormous fan of the person and musician named Brett Dennen. You might know that my favorite song is "Sydney (I'll Come Running)" because of it's profound meaning ...

An unpopular post.

I am prepared. I am used to many of my posts being greeted with great warmth and empathy. "I feel exactly the same way!" I hear. But I don't think that this will be that kind of post; it is going to be a different post. An unpopular post. And that is OK. I am writing in support of the snow ...

Nurture, Nature and “Into the Woods”.

Yesterday was a big day. My son woke up late, as a treat, and my daughter followed me into his room to change his morning diaper. "Today is the day!" she beamed. "I know! Today is the cookie party!" I answered, referring to our plans for the special Pollyanna party with our best friends. "No!" She cried. "Today, Bubbie ...

Be there and be square.

I made it no secret on here (and in my life) that I was quite nervous about expanding our family. We were a perfect triangle. I remember taking an autumn trip to the beach house with the fairy godparents and sitting on the couch for hours, literally, listing the reasons why I was scared to have another ...