
There are a lot of awesome things about having a blog;

I am not even going to attempt to list these things, as they are just so varied in size and quality and range from mood-enhancing to truly life-changing.

BUT, I can tell you that when it comes to something like a Half Birthday, a having blog hasn’t hurt.

Well, back when I was just plain old 30 (or “dirty thirty” as my daughter likes to say),

I made the bold statement that, “…for my half birthday on Sunday, there may not be as much fanfare…”

And that was OK.

And then, on Saturday, the day before my half birthday, this package was delivered to my front door:


From whom was this beautiful bouquet?

I’ll give you one guess.


You’re right! Of course it was from Poppop.

I have written about Poppop and his his love for making each month’s birthday special for each of his treasured family members. In the link above, from almost 5 years ago, he was calling for his “honey”, the nickname he has bestowed upon my daughter.

I am Pretty.

No, I really am Pretty.

I mean I am, and forever will be “Pretty” when it comes to my Poppop.

And it is so sweet,

and it used to be only slightly embarrassing when he introduced me by that name to the fellow partners in his law firm or bigwigs at charity functions,

but now I own it. Perhaps someday I will tell you just how much I have decided to own this nickname 

but first I have to get my mom’s permission.

In any case…


So, the inauspicious half birthday that I predicted did not start out like that at all.

And then, it was October 11.

To make a very long story short, my kids both got up at 4:30 am. It was actually quite sweet, as my daughter did not realize that it was the middle of the night and went into her brother’s room when she heard him stir (he would have gone back to sleep) to take care of him.

And so, at 4:30am, we decided to take the kids out for breakfast,

to the amazing diner many towns away that is famous for it’s eggs benedict and for being open at 6am.


Oh, hi FOUR. As in FOUR AM.


But, I will be honest,

as I curled up into a corner booth with my family I felt extremely blessed and almost excited; this was actually living life and being spontaneous, and this was the exact type of excursion that I would not have been able to have done just a year before.

And, also, the eggs benedict.

And then, the best part happened:

My daughter looked out the diner window and squealed with delight.
“Mom! The sky! It’s pink!”

And so on my half birthday, I got to watch the sunrise with a full belly and a full heart, as I wrapped my arms around my girl and we took in the beauty together, as a unit.


We were also sporting matching topknots.

The rest of the day was special, as well.

I got to do this:

and when we raised our glasses and said “cheers”, we really meant it, for so many different things.

We sat in that booth, that day, for longer than I expected. We talked about things that were personal and deep and, at times, really hard.

But, for my half-birthday, I got the reassurance that I really do have the very best tribe in the world.

And so, I will eat my words.

My half birthday, 30.5, was experienced with great fanfare;

wonderful family;

the dearest of friends;

fun at four am



I got cookies.

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