The incredibly touching comments that I received on my emotional day post on Facebook.
The launch of the new website for Pearl Communications, my PR firm. It was actually the owner who suggested that I use Brand Revive and then ended up hiring them herself, with brilliant results.
A great phonecall with my friend who told me she would make a wish for me at 11:11.
Eating brownie batter (pre-egg) with both of my kids and having matching chocolate mustaches.
Discovering, accidentally, that over a half a year ago, a woman blogger whom I do not know nominated me for a Liebster award.
An impromptu visit by my grandparents so that they could drop off two new winter coats for my daughter, just because…
…and then my son falling asleep in my arms as we chatted; My daughter then climbed onto my other side and wrapped us all in a blanket and my Mommom and Poppop watched the three of us with sheer joy.
Getting a card addressed to “Aunt Becca”. #friendshipisthickerthanblood
Catching a phonecall with J, with whom I have been playing phone tag for two days, only to say, “I have to go in 7 minutes because I have an important call with a doctor and my kids are running around like crazy and I’m home alone with them.” and then hanging up on her when the doctor called, only to see her face at my front door 10 minutes later. She didn’t offer. She didn’t ask. She just showed up.
My husband coming home from work and saying, “I have something for you.” That something was not a traditional gift (it was actually a self help book to be honest) but he’s never been big on the traditional romantic gesture, now has he?
Giving my son his bedtime and kissing him twenty times before placing him in his crib. Giving my daughter her bedtime and cuddling with her, nose to nose, as she told me, “You are the best mom in the world and you make me so happy and I want to be with you all the time. You are super.”
Sending a goodnight text with a friend that was, incredibly, truly identical to the goodnight text she sent to me.
Cozying up in a bathrobe and towel turban next to my husband on the couch as he played Grand Theft Auto 5; Bob Seger’s “Night Moves” came on as the background song and we sang it together, belting out, “…Waited on the thunder!”
Getting a video text from my dad’s secretary from their firm’s holiday party (which included margaritas and karaoke). Because it is the greatest thing ever. (Hint: Click the link below and allow Quicktime. You won’t be sorry.)
Agreeing to listen to a kooky podcast before bed. Because that’s the kind of thing that girls do early on in relationships when they really like a guy and they say “Oh yeah, I would LOVE to watch that monster truck alien zombie space ninja action movie with you!”, which I think means that I still feel that way about my guy; I want to listen to something to make him happy because I really like him. Even though it’s weird.
Parenthood. And I will leave it at that, because I am not a show spoiler.
Holding my hot and crying daughter at 2am as she said her ear was “killing” her. I told her that she probably had an ear infection, like I have just had. “Awwww, mom, are you trying to copy me?” she asked.
I think that I am blessed to have had all of those moments, but, I think I am even more blessed that now,
because I can finally appreciate them.
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